Station 255
Station 255 is also Elizabeth Fire's station 274 and known in CAD (computer aided dispatch) as station 261! ISO requires a fire station within 5 miles of each residence and a need for a fire station in the area was in the interest of both departments. The two departments came together and built this station to serve both districts. Soon after it was completed our fleet services department moved from station two and started operating out of the building. In 2020 as our Fleet Services program grew the need for additional space for response apparatus was overdue. In August of 2020 construction of the current Station 255 was started. This new building was designed to house response apparatus leaving the original three bay building for Fleet Services to work in. Station 255 primarily serves the Spring Valley and Thunder Hill neighborhoods. Because Station 273 is just down the road, currently the station is stocked and staffed with Rattlesnake apparatus and one of only two snow cats in the County!